Back to the grind of raiding. While I would say that I have cut down a lot on my playing time, I have been raiding..which basically means that I do not do any dailies and the GM has to give me flasks because I have nothing! We did down Northern Beasts on hard mode last week after a ton of pulls (pictured below). Tuesday we downed them after only two pulls..oh and the same goes for Lord Jaraxxus and Faction Champions! Only two pulls for both, on hard mode. Oh and I got a new weapon. It is so awesome! Now if only I could get a new trinket..even one! geeez
So, I also saw this movie trailer for a movie called "YellowBrickRoad" on fearnet. It looks interesting. It is super independent though and will probably take a while to get a distributor. I dunno, we shall see. I would go see it in the theater.
Daybreakers: Premise- Almost everyone is a vampire! The human race is getting dangerously low and those humans who are found are harvested for their blood. A scientist is attempting to find a "cure" whether it be a blood substitute or a way to turn a vampire back into a human. Seems like an interesting plot, I would see it!
The Box: Premise-Based on an old Twilight Zone episode, a couple receives a mysterious box and a visit from a stranger. This stranger has a proposal, press the button that opens the box and receive 1 million dollars. The only hitch: pressing the button will kill 1 stranger. Can the couple press the button knowing they will kill someone? Or will they take the money and run?
Ran Onyxia's Lair tonight and TOC. I got new bracers in TOC, which was exciting. I have had terrible bracers for months and months, nothing good ever dropped!!
Onyxia run went on without a hitch, oh and Reins of the Onyxian Drake dropped! Raiders rolled, I did not b/c I have not been raiding regularly. It was cool to see it drop though, never thought I would see it! Here is a screen shot of the mount!
With Halloween approaching, I think it is important for everyone to stay safe. Here are some Halloween safety tips that I think everyone should take seriously!
Please use these helpful hints this and every year.
1. When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it is really dead.
2. Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.
3. Do not search the basement, especially if the power has gone out.
4. If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with somebody else's voice.
5. When you have the benefit of numbers, NEVER pair off and go alone.
6. As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.
7. Never stand in, on, or above a grave, tomb, or crypt. This would apply to any other house of the dead as well.
8. If you're searching for something which caused a loud noise and find out that it's just the cat, GET THE HELL OUT!
9. If appliances start operating by themselves, do not check for short circuits; just GET OUT.
10. Do not take ANYTHING from the dead.
11. If you find a town which looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it. Don't stop and look around.
12. Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're sure you know what you're doing.
13. Dress appropriately. When investigating a noise downstairs in an old house, women should not wear a flimsy negligee. And carry a flashlight, not a candle.
14. If your companions suddenly begin to exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, fascination for blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, and so on, kill them immediately.
15. If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice, more if you are female. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the monster is merely shambling along, it's still moving fast enough to catch up with you.
16. Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street , Transylvania, Nilbog (you're in trouble if you recognize this one), anywhere in Texas where chainsaws are sold, the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine .
17. If your car runs out of gas at night on a lonely road, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house to phone for help. If you think that it is strange you ran out of gas because you thought you had most of a tank, shoot yourself instead. You are going to die anyway, and most likely be eaten.
18. Beware of strangers bearing tools. For example: chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, combines, lawnmowers, butane torches, soldering irons, band saws, or any devices made from deceased companions.
19. If you find that your house is built upon a cemetery, now is the time to move in with the in- laws. This also applies to houses that had previous inhabitants who went mad or committed suicide or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices.
20. Do not mention the names of demons around open flames, as these can flare suddenly. Be especially careful of fireplaces in this regard.
21. Do not go looking for witches in the Maryland countryside.
22. If your grandfather has just returned from a trip and gives you an old Mayan artifact he found, throw it away as far as possible.
23 If you have heard a noise in the house and called out but nobody answers, especially if someone is supposed to be there, don't proceed to take a bath/shower.
24. And another zombie survival tip; if there is someone in the group who sees their significant other/dog/child/parent among the living dead and wants to "Help Them" make sure you either tie them up or get rid of them since they will eventually let in the zombies.
Oh! and a trailer of the Nightmare on Elm Street just came out! Granted, I will have a newborn when it comes out, so I will have to wait to see it. Still, I am always excited about new horror movies coming out. Especially the movies that I saw as a child and was terrified of. (*note to self, when the baby gets to be 8 years old, make sure he or she does not watch Nightmare on Elm Street*)
So, several weeks ago the newest New Moon trailer came out, and it looked good. The newest trailer reveals a lot more of the Volturi and also shows a bit of the cliff diving scene. I am so glad the studio was able to put more money into this movie, it looks like it really paid off. The special effects so far look amazing!! I am also really excited to see more of the Wolf Pack. The wolves definitely look awesome. Below is the trailer!
I am also seeing Zombieland next Friday. Since I am a huge fan of zombie books and movies, I am definitely looking forward to this one. I know I have mentioned this movie before, but I had to mention it again. If you are into zombie movies and don't mind some laughs in your zombie movies as well, this one looks pretty darn good.
I am also going to find the time to see the movie "The Invention of Lying", which also comes out Oct.2. It looks hilarious, and I am also a fan of Ricky Gervais.
My schedule became a little hectic, as a result I had to take a break from raiding. Specifically, I decided that studying for comps was more important than raiding. So, I told my fellow raiders that I would be taking a break. Since that point, I have been leveling my DK professions. I am almost to 450 on JC..unfortunately enchanting is at a stopping point. I would have to spend a ton of gold trying to level that. I just wanted to be able to send my DK stuff so I could DE it! sigh...I guess it will take me a little while to max that out. I will start leveling my DK again soon. It is at level 68. At least I will have plenty of rested XP... So, while I was playing my DK a little, going to school, going to movies and so on, I have been missing out on raiding for the past 3 or 4 weeks. Also, about 2 weeks ago I discovered that I am going to become a parent. Needless to say, I am not going to be taking my comps as planned..and I should get my wow playing in now that I actually have the time. (before babby comes) I tried to get into a raid the other day, but it was full. I slapped my guild leader as a result the next time I saw him. Oh well, I will get in one of these days. In other news, I have been going to see the end of summer movies. District 9 was fantastic. I also loved Inglorious Basterds. Let me just say that I am a huge Tarantino fan. Naturally I was really into that movie. I am also really looking forward to Zombieland next month. Being a huge zombie movie/book person I am super excited about that one. An older post has the trailer if you are interested in viewing it. Television is going to be pretty awesome starting at the end of this month. This link has a list of the fall lineup. Let me just say that my DVR is going to be working overtime recording: House,
It's Always Sunny,
The Office, Parks and Recreation, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dexter
and Californication. So, if my lack of raiding continues, I will have plenty to watch. has been several weeks since my last post. I have been a little distracted with school and whatnot and only playing during raid times. I have also been reading quite a bit ..and I started a DK! I will talk about my DK later, after I mention some of the awesome changes implemented in patch 3.2.
Patch 3.2 went live a a few weeks ago after much anticipation. People were super excited about the new raid content. KOABD tried the 25 man, wiped once and then it was pretty much tank and spank. While I enjoy new content, I kind of felt that these new bosses were a bit of a joke. Pretty much everyone who tried the new content on patch night got it down after a few attempts (or less). I was kind of hoping for something more challenging, but oh well...We did get the achievement Not One, But Two Jormungars, which was pretty fun.
I also have to say that I am loving the new engineering stuff. I am pretty sure that I have not had to go to a capital city in ages since I can use the steam powered auctioneer in Dalaran. That makes it awesome for getting ready for a raid. I have yet to farm the Jeeves schematic. I guess I am not too excited about it because I have the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth. Although having access to my bank during a raid would be pretty sweet. I also have yet to make my Wormhole Generator, but I have my mats for it. Other people I know have made that item and were able to portal from Shatt to Northend. That is pretty exciting!
I have gotten all of my epic gems for my pve gear, but have yet to do it for my pvp gear. I do not really feel that is too important at this time. I will get around to it, but I am not too worried about it at the moment.
Oh, and I was going to post this parachuting into WG raid pic (of course before patch 3.2, before we had to go to the battlemaster). We parachuted in,got our kills to build the largest siege engines and portaled out or died in the fortress...then we won in about 5 minutes. It was insane and fun! I think I had something like x20 tenacity!! Now we cannot do that anymore, but it is fun to remember the good times. I do have to say that I did a WG the evening of the patch..and while everything else under the sun was lagging like hell, WG was awesome. I got a ton of HKs, I was able to move around, all in all a ton of fun.
As I mentioned before, I started an alt...finally. I absolutely hate questing on an alt. The changes made in patch 3.2 made it a little more bearable, if not completely easy. First off, the boa items not only include shoulder pieces, but also chest pieces. These pieces stack experience, so that is totally awesome. They increased regular flight speed to 150%, up from ridiculously slow. Not to mention they also made it possible to fly at level 60 in the Outlands...NOT TO MENTION the Cold Weather Flying BOA book that allows an alt to fly at level 68 in Northend. 3.2 made it nearly impossible for someone to resist making an alt! Here is my DK, her name is Crimmie, I am level 68 and I have no idea what I am doing. Go me!
I also have to note that my 25 man Ulduar raid is getting to where we are just farming content, we clear pretty much in one night with the exception of a few bosses that no one needs. We also got a few achievments that include Orbit-uary, Stokin' the FurnaceMust Deconstruct Faster, Drive Me Crazy , The Faceroller , Knock on Wood and the most important and challenging Needy (lol). I think we are going to try hard mode deconstructor next week and a few others. We really should considering that we are pretty much farming the content. Oh, and I forgot that we need one more fragment until we have all we need. (the drop rate has not been so great on those).
So, I would also like to discuss the rumors. I think Blizzard may make their big announcements regarding these rumors at Blizz Con next week. So far there is the rumor about a Cataclysm taking place and forever changing Azeroth. The rumor that Thrall will no longer be the leader of the horde and the new leader will be Garosh Hellscream (who then murders Cairne Bloodhoof AMG). The rumor about the new classes, Goblin for the horde and Worgen for the Alli. Not to mention the new race/class combinations. People seem pretty excited about these new class combinations. I, for one, will probably not level an alt b/c of this. I do know some people that definitely will level a new alt (if not replace their mains) if these changes take effect. Leveling a Worgen alt sounds appealing, especially if we only have to level our mains to 85 instead of 90. This 5 levels gives Blizz more time before level 100, so more opportunities for expansions. It would be crazy seeing a Tauren Pally! I would feel a little jipped if I played a horde pally, they basically have one option as far as the race they can play.
I am hoping for some exciting announcements and changes. We shall see which of these rumors proves to be false and which prove to be completely true! I guess we will find out soon enough!
It was announced that Sam Raimi has signed on to direct the World of Warcraft movie. While I love Sam Raimi, (an older post talks about how awesome his movie "Drag Me to Hell" was and also includes the trailer) I always pictured someone like Peter Jackson directing the movie. I suppose because he has worked with orcs before? Lol. Charles Roven, the producer of several movies including Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, will be producing this film. Considering the talent and the past successes of these guys, I have high hopes for this super geeky movie. I will definitely wait in line to see this one (and by wait in line I mean I will be going on a Sunday afternoon and go to the machine to buy my ticket instead of the actual person).
In other news, World War Z (a movie I am super excited about), is no longer on hold. The screenplay is being re-written and hopefully the project will move forward. I have high hopes for this movie and will basically watch any movie with zombies in it. I just hope that the movie does the book justice.
I started the Netherwing quests about 5 months ago and was like effff this! Then I decided to pick up where I left off. Of course I thought it would be a good idea to start the Skyguard quests as well, since I am super cool and/or bored. lol. Screen shots are below. Oh, and I also got new shoulders off of Iron Council, they are pretty cool looking with the skulls on the sides.
After much anticipation (and worry that the movie would not even open in Dallas), I finally got to see "Moon".
First, I must say that the imagery is fantastic and so cool! With a budget that was not huge, the scenes that take place out of the space station are done very well. The images of earth and space are also very beautiful. Of course I had a hard time enjoying the cinematography because I was a little creeped out and suspicious the whole time! Moving onto the movie itself, Sam Rockwell did an amazing job as the astronaut Sam Bell. Sam Bell has been working alone on the Moon close to three years mining Helium 3 which has been the answer to the Earth’s energy crisis. His contract ends at the three year mark and he is anticipating returning home to his wife and young daughter. Living alone at the station, Sam Bell’s only companionship is the computer “Gerty”, played by Kevin Spacey. I have to say that I really enjoyed Gerty and I thought that Kevin Spacey did a great job. So, moving on to the creepy part….Sam Bell has been having hallucinations. The viewer is left wondering if poor Sam Bell is having hallucinations because he has been alone for 3 years or if there is another darker reason. Several revelations are discovered within the first half of the movie, so do not expect a Sixth Sense type of moment (You know, where everything is revealed at once and nothing is what it appears to be). I recommend this movie to all those science fiction junkies out there or anyone who likes a suspenseful movie. I will definitely get this one on DVD!
So, finally after a few nights of actually getting to work on downing Yogg we finally got him down. It is a little annoying considering how far ahead we once were, now we down him like a month late. Ah, oh well. Of course he did not drop anything that I want, but now I have the glory =S lol. Of course it wasn't easy, some lame guy afk'ed before a pull and never came back so he was kicked out of the guild for being a douche and then we saw he was in another guild later! WTF! It is ok, we downed him like 2 pulls after he left, he was probably bad luck. haha Pictures are shown below
Ok, so in my super lazy progression to get all the mounts I can (eventually I hope to get the 100 mount achievement although I know it will take Blizz adding more mounts to the game because I refuse to spend real money on the trading cards) I have decided to *finally* start grinding skyguard and netherwing rep. I was super lazy during BC and instead of working toward getting those factions exalted I just flew around Nagrand and farmed stuff. I also figure that since hardly anyone is in the Outlands these days, I will probably be there with an asston of leveling DKs and it will not be so annoying. I absolutely hate doing dailies to get rep and I am sure that if the last patch did not allow me to turn in Relics for rep with the Sons of Hodir I would probably still be friendly.
I also decided to try and get the white polar bear mount, so I started doing those dailies about a week and a half ago. Last night I did the daily and low and behold....a white bear! There I am looking super cool on my white polar bear mount dancing.
In other news we are still working on Yogg in our 25 mans. I think we have not been able to down him yet because of lack of attendance, we have to keep cancelling the raids. Maybe it is because of summer? People keep going on vacations and such. But so far I think we have not really had much time to pull Yogg and get to where we can down him. (So far we have gotten to the 3rd phase and then wiped) So, that is pretty frustrating, clearing to Yogg every week and then on the raid night we are supposed to work on downing him, like 7 people don't show. It is a bummer. Hoping people show tonight, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
So, after reading MMO Champ, I am pretty excited about the various changes that are being made.
First of all, this change is far into the future. But FACTION CHANGES?! That would be nuts! Lets say you have friends on another server that play another faction, you could just transfer over and change factions. That is incredible. What will they think of next?
The other changes that I am excited about are the engineering changes. First of all, I am excited about the small things. For example the cost of making ammo has gone down. I am very appreciative of that. But the cool stuff includes a schematic that drops and teaches you how to make a robot butler! Basically it will repair your stuff, sell stuff and also has a mailbox! It is something that can be re-used, so it is not like a scrap-E or repair bot, which I think is pretty neat. It has a cooldown, naturally.
There will also be the Steam Powered Auctioneer! It will be in Dalaran in the engineering shop. Basically a grand master engineer will be able to access the auction house from Dalaran by using the steam powered auctioneer. So no more running through portals to cities to get to an AH before raids. Yay! The only problem is being the auctioneer bitch and getting constantly nagged about buying stuff and checking AH prices. That will be annoying.
What is also cool is the new belt that will basically be a cobalt frag bomb dispenser. It never runs out of bombs, but there is a cooldown I believe.
The other addition to engineering is the ability to create a portable wormhole generator. Basically it will act as a portal to send you to various locations in Northend but will sometimes send you to dangerous places. That will be fun!
Oh, and I almost forgot about the mind amplification dish that allows you to control any humanoid target. It will allow you to treat the humanoid as a pet and attack other players. Of course it has a chance of failing and the humanoid you are targeting could end up controlling you!!
There are various other changes that I think are pretty awesome, but those are the ones I am most excited about. Engineering was sucking a lot and I was hoping some changes could make it better. I think these chages are a move in the right direction!
I love zombie movies, books, comic books, shows and anything else! So, of course I am super excited to see any new zombie movie, especially if it has a decent budget and looks awesome!!
Sure, it looks a little cheesy (and I have doubt that it will be as good as Shaun of the Dead), but it looks like it has potential. I will definitely see this when it hits theaters!
I went to see Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell a few weeks ago. It was awesome! Being a fan of Evil Dead and a fan of horror movies in general, this movie was funny, gross and downright scary!
The story begins with Christine Brown, a nice loan officer looking to get a promotion. Her boss makes it clear that he wants the promotion to go to someone who knows how to make the tough decisions. Cut to the scary gypsy woman tapping her gross fingernails asking Christine to help her get an extension on her mortgage payments. Christine is given the choice to make the final call on the extension by her boss, who notes that it is a "tough decision". She decides to refrain from giving the extension, and of course havoc ensues when. Christine is attacked in the dark parking lot by the gypsy woman and then cursed. Eeek!
There was plenty of scary in this movie as well as just plain hilarious. Not to mention gross (flies up the nose, slimy dentures, rotting corpeses and so on) If anyone has the chance to see this flick and loves horror movies that are both scary and funny, go see this before it leaves theaters!
So, I have a little obsession with the Twilight series and I am not 13 years old, so sue me! After watching fan made videos of the trailer of New Moon the past few months, I finally got to see the official trailer for New Moon that premiered at the Mtv movie awards. I even DVR-ed the show, which is pretty nuts considering I have not watched an Mtv awards show in years. I even had to scroll the tv channels to find the channel. But it was all worth it and Andy Samberg was hilarious too. I also got a kick out of the fact that Twilight won all those awards over Oscar winning movies, but I suppose movies like Twlight should enjoy their moment in the sun. But it is pretty obvious that Slumdog Millionaire and friends are better movies than Twilight, duh! But those movies did win Oscars, so I guess they are not feeling too bad that they did not win their golden popcorns. Here is the trailer for New Moon!
Well, after much deliberation, I bought the enchanted broom pet. I think it is so cute and I just love it. Money well spend in my opinion (I mean considering I have nothing else to buy with the exception of repairs, food for my pet and flasks). The enchanted broom envy resulted from me loving Harry Potter and seeing enchanted brooms in the movies and Fantasia (I love that movie as a kid and watched it all the time). So, I just had to have it. So, because I got that pet it got me pretty close to the 50 pet achievement and who does not want a pet skunk? So I went and got the other pets with the help of my husband on the pet worg and spider. So, without further delay, here are my new pets!
I also obsessively started collecting recipes for the Chef de Cuisine achievement. With the help of several people I was able to make that happen. My husband took one of his lowbies to Southshore and got those recipe quests and gave the recipes to me. My good friend, Peria got some recipes and also got killed a few times on his baby level 21 horde mage. Poor little mage =(. And he also got me the epic recipe and gave it to me because he is awesome! <3 Here is a screen shot of me learning my last recipe. yay!
Well, as I mentioned before, True Blood will be premiering next month and I am so excited. The new poster has been released for next season as well as some story lines. It looks like this season is going to be good. I especially look forward to getting more of a glimpse at Sam's past. HBO has also released a short clip from one of next seasons shows. It looks pretty scary!
Now, I don't know what is chasing Sookie in the woods, but it looks pretty freaky. I am looking forward to finding out what else is haunting Bom Temps besides vampires and shape shifters...
Weeds is coming out with new episodes next month as well. I wonder how Nancy will get out of the mess she has made this time. Alanis Morrisette is also guest starring as her doctor in several episodes, so that should be interesting. (I hear Alanis is also interested in Nancy's brother in law, Andy..that should be funny) Episodes premiere June 8th!
After working on Mimiron, that ungrateful bastardo, we finally downed him. I am interested to see what he is like in 25 man.. I guess I will find out soon enough =O. I cannot remember what dropped, stuff that was not for me so I didn't pay attention. Oh well! But, I would imagine, considering how it took us so long to get, that some guilds or raid groups would have an extremely difficult time. I know that Blizzard already nerfed this boss, but I wonder if it is going to be nerfed even further. I guess we shall see.
In other news I read a blue post that said that they may have nerfed hunters too much. So, I am curious to see where they go with that idea. They are also concerned with the lack of hunter representation in arenas this season. I am hoping good things will happen with that.
True Blood This show created by Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) is based on the Sookie Stackhouse book series by Charlaine Harris. Basically, in this world, vampires have come out of the "coffin" so to speak. Humans are now aware that they exist and they are asking for basic human rights.While many vampires are good and drink a blood alternative called "True Blood", there are those naughty vampires who just did not really agree with coming out in the first place. Bill Compton is a southern gentleman and a vampire who is trying to "main stream", or stick to the artificial diet (for the most part). Sookie Stackhouse is a waitress who also happens to read minds who falls for Bill. Naturally there is trouble as a result, but it is damn interesting. After a great first season, I am definitely ready for more. The whole setting for the story is great, the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps. The swamps and large trees create the perfect setting for this story line.
Here is a trailer for the first season
A recap of the first season (there are spoilers =X)
and the trailer for the second season!
Sam Rockwell's Moon
This movie looks amazing! Sam Rockwell is great and the movie looks suspenseful, intense, and amazing. (I also have to note that Kevin Spacey is in the film as well, which makes me very excited about the movie..well not so much him as his voice) Another cool thing about this movie is it is directed by Duncan Jones..who also happens to be David Bowie's son!
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
I am so ready for this movie to come out. It was supposed to come out last November, but as many know, Twilight took it's place. This movie will be coming out in July and I will definitely be waiting in line to see this one. It looks fantastic and I certainly hope that the extra 8ish months that it took to release it makes it that much better. I am ready!
All I have to say is, if you get the chance to see FOTC, do it! Saw them on Tuesday and it was awesome! The opening act was the comedian Eugene Mirman (the land lord in FOTC show). He was hilarious, I was laughing so much. Then Bret and Jemaine came out in robot costumes and sang "Too Many Dicks (on the dance floor)". That was amazing! They also sang several of my favs like "It's Business Time", "Bowies in Space", "Sugar Lumps" and many of their raps. In between songs they chatted to each other and were hilarious, of course. They explained to the audience that they would talk sometimes and not to be alarmed, it was just like a tuneless song. All in all, I would say that it was a great show! Both the hubby and I loved it, we also got shirts too. My shirt just says "Flight of the Conchords" with knitting stuff on the front and Matt got a shirt that says "Band Meeting". Good stuff!
All I have to say about this book, if you do not have patience for the classic type of writing you find in Jane Austen's actual books (ie Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Mansfield Park and so on), this book is not for you. I really enjoy the differences that are made to this classic, and especially because it includes zombies. The writing is also so proper and polite that I sometimes forgot that I was reading horrendous zombie scenes. Which I thought was pretty damn funny, I think that is the point of this book. People are so polite in the book and concerned with society that it is absolutely hilarious that there are zombies mutilating people right and left, not to mention eating the kitchen help in a scene. All in all, so far, I like this book and hope the rest is as funny as the first half. I would also like to add that there are talks of this book being made into a film. Why the hell not? I will definitely go.
Well, tonight we were finally able to down that ungrateful beotch Auriaya. Initially we tried using snake trap pulls and having me and the other two hunters misdirect on the tanks. When that failed to work out the way we wanted, we changed strats and had a DK lay out Death and Decay, then hunters misdirected the various cats to other tanks..After a few tries we were eventually able to get her down. Gah, she is a jerk.
After her, we moved on to Hodir. Initially I had a lot of trouble with the boss, my damage was pretty low because I was unsure of myself. After a few attempts we were finally able to down Hodir as pictured. I got this beaut off of him. I was surprised that I was able to roll on it and surprisingly I rolled ok at first..Then there was a tie with another player and we had a roll off. The Raid leader said that the lowest roll won, like golf rules, and knowing that I would always roll terribly, I won! So, tomorrow I plan on getting that thing enchanted and gemmed.
We moved onto Freya and had trouble with trash pulls, wiping a few times. Eventually we were able to down her, which was pretty exciting. So, all in all, I think we are doing a good job of progressing. Oh, I also got a new neck piece that I purchased with emblems of conquest. I was finally able to rid myself of that 10 man Maly quest reward. Yay!
Tomorrow we go back and I hope things continue to go well. On another note, I cannot wait to see what kind of fish I can fish up in Ulduar including the BOE ring. hmmmmm....
Well, last night I was able to acquire this super awesome helm. I finally got to replace this piece of crap-ola Personally I think Julienne looks super sexy wearing it.
Before and After!
I also wanted to show my favorite mount, I cannot stop using it despite the fact I have spent thousands of gold on other mounts (ie chopper, traveler's Tundra Mammoth). I just feel that I look super scary when I use it.
Look how intimidating I am, sitting there, waving. eeek!
But seriously, as long as it took me to farm it, I have to love it.
In other news, I am working on my dissertation on DWI prisoners and I have gotten pretty far on the first paper. Hopefully, with some help I will be able to send it out to get published, I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Well, to start things off, I changed guilds with my husband to be in another guild called Kind of a Big Deal. There were several reasons behind the decision and while I was pretty sad to leave the people I had grown so close to, I knew it would be better to leave. So, my husband and I joined KOABD and it has been pretty interesting to say the least. Within the first week of joining we were able to down 3D Sarth 25 man, thus giving me the Twilight Vanquisher title, which was pretty cool.
After waiting in anticipation, patch 3.1 finally came out and we finally began our journey through Ulduar. Unfortunately because of server trouble, raiding the night of the patch and the several days that followed did not work. I mean players would die and not be able to zone into the instance again. Finally, as things were put in working order we were able to raid and have been doing so pretty well. I got this staff last week, which i am pretty excited about, and i got the best enchant in game for it. The only thing is, I am having an very difficult time dumping all this hit. Unfortunately I will have to live with it as I have already reenchanted and regemmed several items in an attempt to lower my hit.
As far as my PvP goes, I decided that I just do not have much fun in arena. I enjoy BGs a lot more as well as WG. I guess I am not that into PvP as I thought. =/ But I think I will continue to pvp on a smaller scale, when I feel like PvPing and doing WG and the dailies there to get all the Deadly gear that you buy with honor. Maybe I will change my mind, but arenas usually leave me feeling annoyed and uncertain of myself. Ah, oh well.
I also have to add that the Noblegarden event is kind of cute, but the whole camping eggs to get the chocolate is pretty boring and shitty. I mean I had to start doing that to do the daily which was a huge pain in the ass. It is going to take like a million years to collect 100 chocolates for the pet bunny..I want it, but should just read a book whilst "playing". If sitting there and watching things respawn over and over again can be called playing, it is about as much fun as fishing.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is due out this upcoming April. After reading the whole premise, it sounds like it has a lot of potential and is apparently sparking a studio bidding war for rights to make the film. The author keeps about 85% of the original book and adds a zombie menace that is threatening the english countryside and it's inhabitants. Being that everyone in the book is proper, they refer to the zombies as "unmentionables" and refrain from using the zed word. Elizabeth Bennett also happens to be a kick ass zombie slayer, as is Mr. Darcy. The book looks promising and exciting, I cannot wait to get my copy!
Here are some of my favorite zombie movies. I have to warn anyone reading that I may have some cautioned.
1- This is by far, in my opinion one of the best zombie movies out there. Although the acting is not so great at times, it has nowhere the terrible acting often found in Romero's movies. The opening zombie scene is horrific, mainly because it involves unsuspecting sleeping individuals and a zombie child. I also enjoyed the movie showing us suburbia taken over by running zombies, crashed cars, and gun firing frightened people. What makes this movie also pretty darn interesting is the fact the slow shambling zombie is not present in this movie. The zombies are fast, deadly, horrific and definitely realistic looking. I also genuinely like the main character and hope she can figure out a way to survive this zombie apocalypse. In my opinion, I believe that this movie is much better than the original, which is typically not the case.
2- I really enjoyed this movie. Although many would argue with me and say that this is not a zombie movie. I would respectfully disagree because it involves people who are not themselves anymore, who are taken over by a virus and attack any person lacking the infection. While these "infected" do not eat the living, they attack by biting, scratching and basically tear the victims to shreds if they are able. I also enjoyed the fact that a victim changes almost immediately, keeping out the whole "someone is secretly remaining in the group of survivors and they are infected" idea. That plot is pretty tiresome. While that idea was in Dawn of the Dead, the change to the idea made it pretty interesting. I also enjoyed all the shots of an isolated London, completely devoid of life with the exception of a few survivors and the infected.
3- While this is a comedy, I thoroughly enjoy the film and find it pretty scary at times. I love that the opening sequence is repeated the next day with a lack of life and that the main character fails to recognize anything is wrong. This is hilarious to me, especially when he is walking in the convenience store and appears to slide in a pool of blood or something terrible (it is left up to the audience to decide. ick) I also enjoy the whole idea that the main characters attempt to "act" like zombies in order to avoid being detected, that was good stuff. While these zombies are slow and shambling, the movie is awesome regardless and think any zombie flick fans should check it out if they have not watched this film.
4- I really enjoyed this movie, and although I am not one for sequels, I thought this was a pretty good one. The opening scene is terrifying, as you watch a "safe" group of survivors get attacked by hordes of the infected. The rest of the movie takes place after that attack, the Americans have come set up shop and are attempting to establish a safe zone, and the lone survivor of the opening scene welcomes his two children back to the country. The rest of the movie is full of action, the infected and soldiers quickly losing control. I enjoyed this movie because the acting is terrific, Robert Carlyle (Trainspotting, The Full Monty) is great and so is the actress who plays his wife, Catherine McCormack (Braveheart). I also really like the main American soldiers as well. A great movie, especially for a sequel!
5- Although I do believe that this movie is not that great in several ways, I still enjoy this movie. The acting is lacking, but the zombies are certainly scary. I also found the manner in which these people were infected quite interesting as well. (The initial office workers, not the bitten people, that is typical) Of course the building killing off the infected was interesting to watch, especially the room filling with water, and of course who can forget seeing that zombie wake up in the room filled with water..creepy. I enjoyed this movie when I first saw it in theaters and do not mind watching it every once in a while. Compared to the real stinkers out there (ie terribly acted zombie flicks--Diary of the Dead, Zombie Strippers, Day of the Dead the remake) this one is not too shabby.
1- World War Z definitely gets #1 on my list of favorite zombie books. The book acts as a historical account of the zombie wars told by various people around the world. The book is full of government cover up, smuggling, quarantine, greed and a whole lot more. I really enjoyed this book because of the realness of the book and the fact it does not focus on one group of survivors. This book looks at the world wide impact a zombie plague would have and this is what made it a great read.
2- Plague of the Dead has some of the elements that World War Z has. While it is not a historical account, it does address various parts of the world. The book also focuses on various main characters across the globe rather than a few in a mall or house somewhere. From Mombasa to other parts of the world, the book follows survivors, soldiers, doctors, Navy and reporters in their journey. The book also contains 2 types of zombies. The first type is what I would call the "28 Days Later" type of zombie. They are fast, animal like, bite and scratch, but they are not undead. They are just infected. Once these types of infected are shot down and killed, they will eventually rise again as the undead, slow and shuffling type of zombie.
3- Thunder and Ashes picks up where Plague of the Dead leaves off. Cities have fallen and people are panicked trying to find safe places to hide. The undead or infected are everywhere infecting those trying to survive and the military is falling apart. Soldiers are abandoning their post as cities burn to the ground. This book is exciting, interesting and full of twists and turns. A great read.
4- Day by Day Armageddon is a great read. Written in journal format, the story consists of a soldier who is struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse. Although the story focuses on one man and his struggle for survival, it is extremely interesting. The main character is an intelligent soldier full of know how and experience, experience that readers hope can help him survive this invasion of the undead. Of course, as many zombie fiction readers know, the undead are not the only worry, other survivors can be extremely problematic as well. I highly reccomend this book!
5- Autumn is a great read. And while this particular book focuses on a group of survivors, the sequels address other parts of England, the military and other large groups of survivors. Autumn is extremely interesting. While other various zombie books merely have a contagious zombie virus that is spread through cuts and bites of the undead, this particular book does not have that element. The book begins with describing people getting ready for work, school, getting their quick breakfasts and bundling up for the chilly autumn day. Suddenly and without warning, hundreds of thousands of people start choking, coughing up blood and suffocating. In an instant they are all dead, leaving survivors scared and mystefied as to the cause of this sudden epedimic. Several days pass and as those who survived begin to find other survivors, a strange thing happens. Some of the dead stand up and begin to walk around, not in any particular direction and they do not attack the survivors. An undead will begin to walk in a certain direction, hit a wall and start walking another direction completely with no reason for it. The survivors, terrified by this, find a church to stay in. A small handful of them decide to leave and seek other shelter while the rest of the survivors decide to stay with the larger group in the church. The three who leave find a farmhouse to reside in and attempt to survive. These undead wanderers who initially leave survivors unharmed, start to viciously attack and develop a group awareness. Survivors are no longer safe and once one undead finds them, hundreds if not thousands more are will soon follow.
I play a dranei hunter named Julienne on the PvP server, Dark Iron. Currently I am specced survival and to be honest I do miss Teethy, my devilsaur. But because Blizzard, as I always say, wants to ruin my little hunter's life, I had to respec out of beast mastery and go surv. Currently I am using a ghost saber cat that I named Edward (I decided to go old school instead of using some cat from Northend) My guild, led by my husband and friends, has successfully cleared 10 and 25 man Naxx as well as 10 man EoE. We will be trying 25 man EOE, we shall see how that goes. Slowly but surely we are working on gearing up for Ulduar, which seems like it will be pretty interesting. When I am not raiding, I am PvPing. I love doing Wintergrasp..but now that I am honor capped and have all of my gear, I am ready for a new PvP season to start! Hurry up, imo! When I am not raiding or PvPing, I am farming gold so I can buy crazy things like my Chopper, which i successfully built several months ago! I also purchased my traveler's Mammoth complete with vendors, which is pretty sweet. Apparently you can also jump off of Dalaran in your Chopper or Traveler's Mammoth and not take any damage as well, which is nuts! When I am not really playing or using G-chat as my personal Aim service, I do other things which I will discuss later.
I am creating this blog to talk about all the fun finds I make around town. I enjoy looking for deals on baby clothes and items. It is fun finding fantastic stuff for your kiddo...but it is even better when you find it for a deal!
I also plan on discussing party planning, making your own baby food (and not breaking the bank) and many of my other interests!
I spend most of my time taking care of my almost 11 month old baby girl. In my free time I enjoy reading, crafting, watching movies and of course finding deals!