Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More Progression news

Well, tonight we were finally able to down that ungrateful beotch Auriaya. Initially we tried using snake trap pulls and having me and the other two hunters misdirect on the tanks. When that failed to work out the way we wanted, we changed strats and had a DK lay out Death and Decay, then hunters misdirected the various cats to other tanks..After a few tries we were eventually able to get her down. Gah, she is a jerk.

After her, we moved on to Hodir. Initially I had a lot of trouble with the boss, my damage was pretty low because I was unsure of myself. After a few attempts we were finally able to down Hodir as pictured. I got this beaut off of him. I was surprised that I was able to roll on it and surprisingly I rolled ok at first..Then there was a tie with another player and we had a roll off. The Raid leader said that the lowest roll won, like golf rules, and knowing that I would always roll terribly, I won! So, tomorrow I plan on getting that thing enchanted and gemmed.

We moved onto Freya and had trouble with trash pulls, wiping a few times. Eventually we were able to down her, which was pretty exciting. So, all in all, I think we are doing a good job of progressing. Oh, I also got a new neck piece that I purchased with emblems of conquest. I was finally able to rid myself of that 10 man Maly quest reward. Yay!

Tomorrow we go back and I hope things continue to go well. On another note, I cannot wait to see what kind of fish I can fish up in Ulduar including the BOE ring. hmmmmm....

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