Patch 3.2 went live a a few weeks ago after much anticipation. People were super excited about the new raid content. KOABD tried the 25 man, wiped once and then it was pretty much tank and spank. While I enjoy new content, I kind of felt that these new bosses were a bit of a joke. Pretty much everyone who tried the new content on patch night got it down after a few attempts (or less). I was kind of hoping for something more challenging, but oh well...We did get the achievement Not One, But Two Jormungars, which was pretty fun.
I also have to say that I am loving the new engineering stuff. I am pretty sure that I have not had to go to a capital city in ages since I can use the steam powered auctioneer in Dalaran. That makes it awesome for getting ready for a raid. I have yet to farm the Jeeves schematic. I guess I am not too excited about it because I have the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth. Although having access to my bank during a raid would be pretty sweet. I also have yet to make my Wormhole Generator, but I have my mats for it. Other people I know have made that item and were able to portal from Shatt to Northend. That is pretty exciting!
I have gotten all of my epic gems for my pve gear, but have yet to do it for my pvp gear. I do not really feel that is too important at this time. I will get around to it, but I am not too worried about it at the moment.
Oh, and I was going to post this parachuting into WG raid pic (of course before patch 3.2, before we had to go to the battlemaster). We parachuted in,got our kills to build the largest siege engines and portaled out or died in the fortress...then we won in about 5 minutes. It was insane and fun! I think I h

As I mentioned before, I started an alt...finally. I absolutely hate questing on an alt. The changes made in patch 3.2 made it a little more bearable, if not completely easy. First off, the boa items not only include shoulder pieces, but also chest pieces. These pieces stack experience, so that is totally awesome. They increased regular flight speed to 150%, up from ridiculously slow. Not to mention they also made it possible to fly at level 60 in the Outlands...NOT TO MENTION the Cold Weather Flying BOA book that allows an alt to fly at level 68 in Northend. 3.2 made it nearly impossible for someone to resist making an alt! Here is my DK, her name is Crimmie, I am level 68 and I have no idea what I am doing.

I also have to note that my 25 man Ulduar raid is getting to where we are just farming content, we clear pretty much in one night with the exception of a few bosses that no one needs. We also got a few achievments that include Orbit-uary, Stokin' the Furnace Must Deconstruct Faster, Drive Me Crazy , The Faceroller , Knock on Wood and the most important and challenging Needy (lol). I think we are going to try hard mode deconstructor next week and a few others. We really should considering that we are pretty much farming the content. Oh, and I forgot that we need one more fragment until we have all we need. (the drop rate has not been so great on those).
So, I would also like to discuss the rumors. I think Blizzard may make their big announcements regarding these rumors at Blizz Con next week. So far there is the rumor about a Cataclysm taking place and forever changing Azeroth. The rumor that Thrall will no longer be the leader of the horde and the new leader will be Garosh Hellscream (who then murders Cairne Bloodhoof AMG). The rumor about the new classes, Goblin for the horde and Worgen for the Alli. Not to mention the new race/class combinations. People seem pretty excited about these new class combinations. I, for one, will probably not level an alt b/c of this. I do know some people that definitely will level a new alt (if not replace their mains) if these changes take effect. Leveling a Worgen alt sounds appealing, especially if we only have to level our mains to 85 instead of 90. This 5 levels gives Blizz more time before level 100, so more opportunities for expansions. It would be crazy seeing a Tauren Pally! I would feel a little jipped if I played a horde pally, they basically have one option as far as the race they can play.
I am hoping for some exciting announcements and changes. We shall see which of these rumors proves to be false and which prove to be completely true! I guess we will find out soon enough!
yeah there is a lot of changes with this patch. I would hate to see thrall replaced. He is an awesome leader. The lore with thrall is awesome. I've been thinking of leveling my Nelf hunter again. He is chillin at level 71 and I noticed in most raids that hunters are always top dps. My hunter was my main back in BC. But anyways glad to see your post again. It's nice to read.