1- World War Z definitely gets #1 on my list of favorite zombie books. The book acts as a historical account of the zombie wars told by various people around the world. The book is full of government cover up, smuggling, quarantine, greed and a whole lot more. I really enjoyed this book because of the realness of the book and the fact it does not focus on one group of survivors. This book looks at the world wide impact a zombie plague would have and this is what made it a great read.

2- Plague of the Dead has some of the elements that World War Z has. While it is not a historical account, it does address various parts of the world. The book also focuses on various main characters across the globe rather than a few in a mall or house somewhere. From Mombasa to other parts of the world, the book follows survivors, soldiers, doctors, Navy and reporters in their journey. The book also contains 2 types of zombies. The first type is what I would call the "28 Days Later" type of zombie. They are fast, animal like, bite and scratch, but they are not undead. They are just infected. Once these types of infected are shot down and killed, they will eventually rise again as the undead, slow and shuffling type of zombie.

3- Thunder and Ashes picks up where Plague of the Dead leaves off. Cities have fallen and people are panicked trying to find safe places to hide. The undead or infected are everywhere infecting those trying to survive and the military is falling apart. Soldiers are abandoning their post as cities burn to the ground. This book is exciting, interesting and full of twists and turns. A great read.

4- Day by Day Armageddon is a great read. Written in journal format, the story consists of a soldier who is struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse. Although the story focuses on one man and his struggle for survival, it is extremely interesting. The main character is an intelligent soldier full of know how and experience, experience that readers hope can help him survive this invasion of the undead. Of course, as many zombie fiction readers know, the undead are not the only worry, other survivors can be extremely problematic as well. I highly reccomend this book!

5- Autumn is a great read. And while this particular book focuses on a group of survivors, the sequels address other parts of England, the military and other large groups of survivors. Autumn is extremely interesting. While other various zombie books merely have a contagious zombie virus that is spread through cuts and bites of the undead, this particular book does not have that element. The book begins with describing people getting ready for work, school, getting their quick breakfasts and bundling up for the chilly autumn day. Suddenly and without warning, hundreds of thousands of people start choking, coughing up blood and suffocating. In an instant they are all dead, leaving survivors scared and mystefied as to the cause of this sudden epedimic. Several days pass and as those who survived begin to find other survivors, a strange thing happens. Some of the dead stand up and begin to walk around, not in any particular direction and they do not attack the survivors. An undead will begin to walk in a certain direction, hit a wall and start walking another direction completely with no reason for it. The survivors, terrified by this, find a church to stay in. A small handful of them decide to leave and seek other shelter while the rest of the survivors decide to stay with the larger group in the church. The three who leave find a farmhouse to reside in and attempt to survive. These undead wanderers who initially leave survivors unharmed, start to viciously attack and develop a group awareness. Survivors are no longer safe and once one undead finds them, hundreds if not thousands more are will soon follow.
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