Well, after much deliberation, I bought the enchanted broom pet. I think it is so cute and I just love it. Money well spend in my opinion (I mean considering I have nothing else to buy with the exception of repairs, food for my pet and flasks). The enchanted broom envy resulted from me loving Harry Potter and seeing enchanted brooms in the movies and Fantasia (I love that movie as a kid and watched it all the time). So, I just had to have it. So, because I got that pet it got me pretty close to the 50 pet achievement and who does not want a pet skunk? So I went and got the other pets with the help of my husband on the pet worg and spider. So, without further delay, here are my new pets!
I also obsessively started collecting recipes for the Chef de Cuisine achievement. With the help of several people I was able to make that happen. My husband took one of his lowbies to Southshore and got those recipe quests and gave the recipes to me. My good friend, Peria got some recipes and also got killed a few times on his baby level 21 horde mage. Poor little mage =(. And he also got me the epic recipe and gave it to me because he is awesome! <3 Here is a screen shot of me learning my last recipe. yay!
Well, as I mentioned before, True Blood will be premiering next month and I am so excited. The new poster has been released for next season as well as some story lines. It looks like this season is going to be good. I especially look forward to getting more of a glimpse at Sam's past. HBO has also released a short clip from one of next seasons shows. It looks pretty scary!
Now, I don't know what is chasing Sookie in the woods, but it looks pretty freaky. I am looking forward to finding out what else is haunting Bom Temps besides vampires and shape shifters...
Weeds is coming out with new episodes next month as well. I wonder how Nancy will get out of the mess she has made this time. Alanis Morrisette is also guest starring as her doctor in several episodes, so that should be interesting. (I hear Alanis is also interested in Nancy's brother in law, Andy..that should be funny) Episodes premiere June 8th!
After working on Mimiron, that ungrateful bastardo, we finally downed him. I am interested to see what he is like in 25 man.. I guess I will find out soon enough =O. I cannot remember what dropped, stuff that was not for me so I didn't pay attention. Oh well! But, I would imagine, considering how it took us so long to get, that some guilds or raid groups would have an extremely difficult time. I know that Blizzard already nerfed this boss, but I wonder if it is going to be nerfed even further. I guess we shall see.
In other news I read a blue post that said that they may have nerfed hunters too much. So, I am curious to see where they go with that idea. They are also concerned with the lack of hunter representation in arenas this season. I am hoping good things will happen with that.
True Blood This show created by Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) is based on the Sookie Stackhouse book series by Charlaine Harris. Basically, in this world, vampires have come out of the "coffin" so to speak. Humans are now aware that they exist and they are asking for basic human rights.While many vampires are good and drink a blood alternative called "True Blood", there are those naughty vampires who just did not really agree with coming out in the first place. Bill Compton is a southern gentleman and a vampire who is trying to "main stream", or stick to the artificial diet (for the most part). Sookie Stackhouse is a waitress who also happens to read minds who falls for Bill. Naturally there is trouble as a result, but it is damn interesting. After a great first season, I am definitely ready for more. The whole setting for the story is great, the small Louisiana town of Bon Temps. The swamps and large trees create the perfect setting for this story line.
Here is a trailer for the first season
A recap of the first season (there are spoilers =X)
and the trailer for the second season!
Sam Rockwell's Moon
This movie looks amazing! Sam Rockwell is great and the movie looks suspenseful, intense, and amazing. (I also have to note that Kevin Spacey is in the film as well, which makes me very excited about the movie..well not so much him as his voice) Another cool thing about this movie is it is directed by Duncan Jones..who also happens to be David Bowie's son!
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
I am so ready for this movie to come out. It was supposed to come out last November, but as many know, Twilight took it's place. This movie will be coming out in July and I will definitely be waiting in line to see this one. It looks fantastic and I certainly hope that the extra 8ish months that it took to release it makes it that much better. I am ready!
All I have to say is, if you get the chance to see FOTC, do it! Saw them on Tuesday and it was awesome! The opening act was the comedian Eugene Mirman (the land lord in FOTC show). He was hilarious, I was laughing so much. Then Bret and Jemaine came out in robot costumes and sang "Too Many Dicks (on the dance floor)". That was amazing! They also sang several of my favs like "It's Business Time", "Bowies in Space", "Sugar Lumps" and many of their raps. In between songs they chatted to each other and were hilarious, of course. They explained to the audience that they would talk sometimes and not to be alarmed, it was just like a tuneless song. All in all, I would say that it was a great show! Both the hubby and I loved it, we also got shirts too. My shirt just says "Flight of the Conchords" with knitting stuff on the front and Matt got a shirt that says "Band Meeting". Good stuff!
All I have to say about this book, if you do not have patience for the classic type of writing you find in Jane Austen's actual books (ie Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Mansfield Park and so on), this book is not for you. I really enjoy the differences that are made to this classic, and especially because it includes zombies. The writing is also so proper and polite that I sometimes forgot that I was reading horrendous zombie scenes. Which I thought was pretty damn funny, I think that is the point of this book. People are so polite in the book and concerned with society that it is absolutely hilarious that there are zombies mutilating people right and left, not to mention eating the kitchen help in a scene. All in all, so far, I like this book and hope the rest is as funny as the first half. I would also like to add that there are talks of this book being made into a film. Why the hell not? I will definitely go.
I am creating this blog to talk about all the fun finds I make around town. I enjoy looking for deals on baby clothes and items. It is fun finding fantastic stuff for your kiddo...but it is even better when you find it for a deal!
I also plan on discussing party planning, making your own baby food (and not breaking the bank) and many of my other interests!
I spend most of my time taking care of my almost 11 month old baby girl. In my free time I enjoy reading, crafting, watching movies and of course finding deals!