I play a dranei hunter named Julienne on the PvP server, Dark Iron. Currently I am specced survival and to be honest I do miss Teethy, my devilsaur. But because Blizzard, as I always say, wants to ruin my little hunter's life, I had to respec out of beast mastery and go surv. Currently I am using a ghost saber cat that I named Edward (I decided to go old school instead of using some cat from Northend) My guild, led by my husband and friends, has successfully cleared 10 and 25 man Naxx as well as 10 man EoE. We will be trying 25 man EOE, we shall see how that goes. Slowly but surely we are working on gearing up for Ulduar, which seems like it will be pretty interesting. When I am not raiding, I am PvPing. I love doing Wintergrasp..but now that I am honor capped and have all of my gear, I am ready for a new PvP season to start! Hurry up, imo! When I am not raiding or PvPing, I am farming gold so I can buy crazy things like my Chopper, which i successfully built several months ago! I also purchased my traveler's Mammoth complete with vendors, which is pretty sweet. Apparently you can also jump off of Dalaran in your Chopper or Traveler's Mammoth and not take any damage as well, which is nuts! When I am not really playing or using G-chat as my personal Aim service, I do other things which I will discuss later.